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Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesDon’t Miss the Homeroom Chicago Songwriter Showcase on Thursday October 2nd

(Poster art by Matthew Kohnhorst)

CHIRP Radio is proud to team with Homeroom Chicago, an independent, nonprofit arts programming group, in presenting the first in a series of Songwriter Showcases at Columbia College’s HAUS at the Quincy Wong Center (623 S. Wabash). These showcases will give audience members the opportunity to listen to these songwriters perform in an intimate setting without a backing band as well as interact with artists as they talk about their songwriting process and influences. This is a great chance to hear about the technique and philosophy of songwriting from working musicians who are willing to share their love of their art and craft.

This Thursday, October 2nd, features performances and talks with J.C. Brooks, Kate Adams, Odea, and Isaiah Oby. Go to Homeroom Chicago’s Web site for more information.

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Andy Weber writesCHIRP Radio DJ Andy Weber on CHIRP Radio

My love for CHIRP is really hard to describe in words. Passion would be the word that comes to mind, but it goes way beyond that for me.

Being a member of CHIRP, and more specifically being a CHIRP DJ, has come to define me as a person. I have been around a long time and I have seen people come and go throughout the organization, but one thing that never fails to impress me is how the idea of small band of dedicated souls can consistently produce this incredibly unique and quality radio product.

I started as a volunteer back in the infant days of the organization in hopes of having a station to scratch my broadcasting itch. I tell people I am a “radio guy” through and through, and that I just got side tracked for a few years. For about as long as I can remember I wanted to be on the radio - I used to play DJ all the time back in grade school days. Then it was on to high school radio, college radio and eventually corporate radio. I saw the transition first hand from mom and pop ownership to corporate ownership. It was incredibly disheartening not only as a budding young professional but as a music listener as well. The promise of radio in the early 1990's were all but destroyed by the end of the decade, and as a result shortly after, I abandoned my hopes and dreams for radio and set off in a different direction. But when I caught wind of CHIRP, it seemed that the perfect moment had aligned in my life to get back to what I love!

CHIRP is such a major part of who I am now. After nearly 5 years of being on the air every Wednesday morning, and each time I walk into our wonderful old factory building, I get a chill of excitement knowing that I am a part of something great.

When I look back on how much we have accomplished at CHIRP as a group and as a station during this journey, I realize the best part is still to come. CHIRP is still in its early years with many more great things to come, and I am honored to be on the ride to make sure this happens.

Radio has Returned. Support CHIRP Radio's Amazing and Talented Volunteer Community with a Gift Today!

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Categorized: CHIRP Radio News and Info.

Mike Bennett writesFriday MP3 Shuffle - Happy Birthday Janet Weiss Edition

She is one of the great drummers in all of indie rock. Janet Weiss has pounded the skins with, among others, Sleater-Kinney, Quasi and Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks. Whether negotiating the angular punk of S-K, the melodic odd pop of Quasi (where she was usually one of only two instruments on the track) to the proggier stylings of Mr. Pavement’s solo project, Weiss handles it all and makes it better. So let’s pay tribute to her on her birthday by grabbing your iPod or MP3 player, hitting shuffle and sharing the first ten tunes that come up.

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Categorized: Friday MP3 Shuffle


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